Accredited Exercise Physiologists (AEP) specialise in clinical exercise interventions for people with a broad range of health issues. At Gladesville Healthcare, all our exercise physiology sessions are conducted on-site in our newly constructed on-site gym and are run by our exercise physiologist Luca Vasiliou.
The aim of exercise physiology is to manage and prevent a range of acute and chronic health conditions, injuries and disabilities in order to restore health, build stability and improve function. These interventions are exercise-based and include education on health and physical activity education, advice and support on making appropriate lifestyle modifications with a strong focus on achieving behavioural change. Our EP team possess extensive knowledge, skill and experience in clinical exercise delivery.
Working across a variety of areas in health, exercise and sport, services deliverable by an AEP are also claimable under compensable schemes such as Medicare and covered by most private health insurers. When it comes to the prescription of exercise, they are the most qualified professionals in Australia.
What types of programming do we offer at Gladesville Healthcare?
One-on-One individual Exercise Physiology services:
Including an initial consultation, individualised exercise program sessions
Small group rehab classes (up to 3 patients):
Initial assessment must be conducted first to screen and identify they most appropriate group rehab classes for you.
Online programming:
Online programming is available for Injury Rehabilitation and Strength & Conditioning.
An online assessment will be conducted via a video call. An individualised exercise program will be created with regular check-ins (via email, phone, text or video).
Information for Referring Doctors:
Research has proven that exercise, at the correct intensity and duration, not only improves quality of life but can decrease the incidence and help manage many health conditions such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and dementia. Eligible patients can be referred to an exercise physiologist under a GP Management Plan and a Team Care Arrangement (MBS Item 721 & 723), and for individual or group allied health services chronic disease management plan (MBS Items 10953 and 8100-81125 respectively).
Clients may be eligible for Medicare, WorkCover, DVA, Workers’ Compensation and private health insurance rebates for exercise physiology services.
What services can our Exercise Physiologist provide to your patients?
Exercise physiologists assess, prescribe, supervise & monitor exercise & lifestyle programs designed to achieve specific health outcomes for individuals with a broad range of pathological conditions.
Working in collaboration with the general practitioner and the patient’s healthcare team, exercise physiologists will develop and exercise program based on your patient’s current medical status to ensure the exercise program Is both safe and effective in achieving the required health goals – this may include a supervised one-on-one group exercise program.
In addition, our exercise physiologists will work with your patient to help motivate and support them when they commence an exercise program and ensure they have the necessary skills to exercise safely and independently when ready.